Whoda' thunk that a tree could grow like this. It's called the Arch Tree and it's not too far from the campground at Sinnemahoning State Park. On the right side of the arch there is just barely enough room to slide your hand under the tree and along the ground.
After designing our first Blog (Enjoying All That Nature Offers) we decided it was time to expand our horizons. This Blog will deal with the many unexpected things we run into, and it happens often. It may be on hikes or maybe as we drive along. These are cool things that we look at and say, "Whoda' Thunk"! There's awesome surprises all around us. Enjoy your visit!
About Me

- PaWingers
- We are known as PaWingers or just The Wingers by our Geocaching friends. When we found our first cache we had to come up with a name to log the find. We came up with this name simply because of residing in Pa. and because one of our many passions is cruising this beautiful country on our Honda Goldwing. Aside from geocaching we are passionate about most anything outdoors including hiking, kayaking, snowmobiling and biking. We are blessed beyond words with a wonderful son and daughter in law. We're also blessed with some terriffic family and friends. We consider ourselves very fortunate due to the fact that after being married over 40 years we still enjoy these things together.
It looks like it was once a trail tree used by Indians. They marked certain things like an arrow telling you something is near by, like water or a village.
My father used to work at Sinnemahoning State Park and was the one that discovered this tree before it was all cleared out. He knew if he could get the permits to clear out the brush and make it easy to reach for the public, it would be loved my many. Needless to say, I think he was right. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Many people get married under it each year.
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